2023-04-072023-04-071946-06-14Box 1https://hdl.handle.net/2152.3/11927A used postcard of the Army Medical Center (Walter Reed Hospital) located in Washington, D.C. Written on the back, left side, "1 Mom & Pop ere is one of the cards I said to save for me. I Have about 50 or so and I want to get them home so I might as well mail them. I am fine and I sure liked the pictures of the kid. She is growing up fast. Pop I bought that electric razor but if you dont..." Written on the back, right side, "P.F.C. B Brown 42260665, 1st Det. Metro #1, FAL, FA Sill Okla., Mr & Mrs X Brown, 1752E 9 St, Brooklyn N.Y." "Free," is written on the back, upper right corner. Postmarked on June 14, 1946.Postcard of the Army Medical Center (Walter Reed Hospital) in Washington, D.C. "The Headquarters Army Medical Center and Army Medical Department Professional Service School Building is located at Georgia Avenue and Butternut Street, N.W. Washington, D.C."PostcardsHospitalWashington (D.C.)Walter Reed General Hospital (Washington, D.C.)Army Medical Center (Walter Reed Hospital)