Fall Prevention Among Older Adults Living in the Community


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Increasing awareness of falls and fall hazards can improve health outcomes reducing falls and fall injuries. From a public health perspective, reducing falls translates into improved health-related quality of life and decreased health care spending. To ensure this increased awareness, separate fall prevention training seminars were developed for older adults living in the community (individual-level training seminar) and for their providers (provider-level training seminar) in a small and diverse county in Texas (Galveston). The seminars were developed using evidence-based fall prevention resources such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Each type of training seminar included a presentation and review and dissemination of resources. Audience feedback in the evaluation forms revealed that the audience found the information to be beneficial, insightful and counter-intuitive given their misconceptions regarding falls. Each audience reported that they felt inspired and empowered to take definitive action for reducing their own/their clients’ fall risk.



older adult falls, fall prevention
